Eva Xiao is a data journalist at the Financial Times, where she covers a wide breadth of topics in the US, including business, politics, and climate issues.

In 2024, she and other FT colleagues won a Sigma Award for their investigation exposing the widespread destruction of mosques in China using satellite imagery.

Before joining the FT, she spent seven years as a foreign correspondent in China where her reporting spanned everything from profiling tech tycoons like ByteDance founder Zhang Yiming to uncovering the mass destruction of graves in Xinjiang using satellite imagery.

In 2021, one of her stories for the Wall Street Journal, which detailed China’s ethnic policy under Chinese leader Xi Jinping, was part of a series that was a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize.

Prior to the WSJ, Eva reported out of Beijing for Agence France-Presse and spent a year co-hosting a podcast on China’s tech industry called Digitally China. She has a computer science degree from Dartmouth College and loves photography, playing piano, and reading in her spare time. She lives in New York City.

Send any tips, comments, or pitches to: eva.xiao@ft.com